Jacelya Jones
Thinker • Optimist • Philomath • Storyteller • Deliverer • Enneagram 5

Story of a Storyteller

You may have heard, “Good is the enemy of great.” Even before God made it clear He is not Someone she can dismiss, God separated writing from a few things Jay Jones was good at. Born storyteller, Jay Jones is still in the process of being refined as a writer. She is trusting God to decide the fate of her stories and who they’re meant to reach.

She spent most of her life as a spiritual caterpillar and nearly a decade in a chrysalis. By the grace of God, she’s become a butterfly, fluttering her wings on the wind of the Holy Spirit.

“The wind blows where it wishes. You hear its sound, but you do not know where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.”

(John 3:8). She is flying into the unknown in many areas, including writing, with her mind set on Kingdom building and her eyes on Jesus.

Jay Jones is a writer, mama, photographer, and podcast editor. She loves studying the Bible and can’t stop writing. Married since 2004 to her husband, Taylor, she has 4 kids, ages 2 to 14 years. They live in Chicago and pursue creativity in the midst of the daily grind. As co-founder of Black + White TruthCast with Jenna Ann Ditsch, she’s searching for authentic voices.

You can read some of Jay’s writing on her blog jacelyajones.com, on Instagram @jacelya_jones, or on blackandwhitetruthcast.com.