Your Blueprints

Posted on September 30, 2018Comments Off on Your Blueprints

The plans in question 👇🏾 are a blueprint – intricate, thoughtfully-devised ideas for how to construct something, devised and memorialized by God…for your future, your life.

‘For I know the plans that I have for you,’ declares the LORD, ‘plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope.

Jeremiah 29:11 (New American Standard Bible.) When my OB told me that my insides are totally healed, with my incision being almost totally undetectable, I realized something else: Knowing the truth about Jesus Christ is like getting the “game on” report from your doc; it doesn’t mean there are no pains or, that the discomfort is over.

But what it does mean is: Whatever pain you’re having, whatever pain you will have…will not tear you apart and is not slowly killing you. You just have to get stronger and build yourself back up according to the truth – that your foundation is perfect.

And in the realm of faith, No matter what your circumstances are or, how things look; the truth is that God has constructed and devised the blueprints of our lives for good things, for hope and a future… our circumstances are like the weakened core I have to rebuild and the pain I am still working through.

But I’m healed in my body. Inside I have God, and He has good plans for my future…no matter what it looks like or feels like now. 

That’s why the Bible teaches us to walk by faith, not by sight. We can’t see the things that God has planned for us, like I can’t see the insides that my OB says have healed. But I believe him.

I believe his Creator, too.