
Posted on May 14, 2021Comments Off on Everyone

The overflow, the spilled kernels, or what the fifth verse of Leviticus Chapter Twenty-five refers to as “aftergrowth,” is an illustration of the overflowing grace of God. Before the year of “sabbath rest” the Israelites are to give the land,” people are working—sowing and harvesting (Leviticus 25:3-4). It’s about individual survival. Things are routine. In the seventh year, the focus turns outward. It includes other, at least.

The number, seven, is symbolic of perfection.

Jesus Christ is our Sabbath. He is also real food and The Word, by which every child lives. Jesus comes into the world, and we begin to grow in revelation—that the good works for which we were created concern others (Ephesians 2:10). Community. The world expands.

20And all ate and were satisfied, and they took up that being over and above of the fragments, twelve hand-baskets full. 21And those eating were about five thousand men, besides women and children. 

17And they all ate and were satisfied; and that having been a surplus to them was taken up, twelve hand-baskets of fragments.

(Matthew 14:20; Luke 9:17, Berean Study Bible). God provided nourishment from heaven, supernatural provision. It was available to anyone and everyone. It satisfied all who ate, but it was not all eaten.

Likewise, the overflowing grace of God—the love of God demonstrated by the death of Jesus in our place (as The Holy Lamb of God)—is available as aftergrowth. Though He sacrificed Himself for my sin debt more than two thousand years ago, spilled kernels of The Offering—the laid-down life of The Son of God—remain for whoever will take hold of them through faith. Whoever will believe. Women, men, slaves, blue collars, white collars, legal, and undocumented noncitizens who live among us. Everyone.