Mom Wants it Now, but God is Patient

Posted on April 13, 2018Comments Off on Mom Wants it Now, but God is Patient

What’s causing Mom anxiety this morning? Impatience. My desire for things to be instant. I texted a friend and want a response NOW. I ordered a bracelet and want a confirmation email and a direct message from the consultant. IMMEDIATELY…

Meanwhile, we’re trying to teach our children to hang on to the hope of the future. We’re counseling them that, Though they won’t see it for a long time, the future is worth it. Things will be better and easier. They will make sense. As a mom, I’m telling my kids, Hang on to your faith in me; I’ve been there and done that, I’m telling my kiddos. Hang on to your faith in God, who sees the end from the beginning (Isaiah 46:10), who is faithful to complete what He’s begun in you, His unique child (Philippians 1:6; Psalm 139:14) And yet… I struggle to wait for a text.

God is patient (II Peter 3:8-9; I Corinthians 13:4,7.) Why do I say that? Because God…is…LOVE (I John 4:8,9, 16.)

It’s not to tear myself down that I share and point out this fault in my soul – impatience. But I have a relationship with myself, too. And as in any relationship, it’s good to tell the truth about what’s wrong. As Christians, we need to let GOD, not emotion lead that confrontation (II Corinthians 7:10.) It’s good to forgive ourselves as Christians for having to confront ourselves, as well as people we love… It’s also good to forgive ourselves, as well as people who’ve hurt us. The rebuke should happen, so things (and people) can change (II Corinthians 7:9-11.) The forgiveness should happen, so the love, which God commanded (John 13:34; John 15:12), won’t be impeded – in ourselves or, in the hearts of those in relationship with us.