It’s almost the witching hour. I find myself awake, and I’m running on a log in my mind – changing my mind about a lot of things. Changing your mind about God is what is

Meanness or teasing on the basis of skin color is not worse than other types of teasing. The villainy of making fun of others is something that is out there. Everyone has experienced it, and

Isn’t it nice when someone pays special attention to you? On your birthday…or, Mother’s Day…or, just any day? My soul position is alienation regarding certain people – people whom I would normally celebrate or expect

So, today I had to, though – I had to ask: What is it you don’t like about yourself? Is it your hair? Your color? What talent do you wish you didn’t have? What skill

I saw a post on Facebook that summed up my inadequacy…and here I am. Writing to you. It was an admonition to ENJOY today. But… Early on, the onslaught began: One of the kids opened